Wednesday, July 5, 2017

[Translation] PlayDB article 3 July 2017

This is a translation of the PlayDB article that was published on 3 July 2017. Translated by GKST-ENG
Original link:

[Exclusive] Guckkasten ‘Squall’ sweeps Japan, at the site of their 1st solo concert in Japan (3rd July 2017)

The rock band Guckkasten is continuing their remarkable activities in both domestic and overseas scenes. Guckkasten will be holding their concert at The Olympic Hall on 8th July, and they will be going on stage of Fuji Rock Festival at the end of July, which is the most historically renowned rock festival in Japan. After appearing on ‘I am Singer’ in 2012, Guckkasten has become one of the most popular rock bands in Korea with their powerful music and outstanding stage performances.

On 5th June, Guckkasten met with their overseas fans in Japan by holding their 1st international concert, Squall in Japan 2017. The tickets sold out in 5 minutes after opening and it was the perfect chance to check their popularity widening beyond Korea. PlayDB will deliver the exciting scene of ‘Squall in Japan 2017’ that was held in Tokyo, exclusively.

▲ Guckkasten leaving for Japan (Bassist Kibum Kim, Percussionist Hoonsik Kim)

4th June, a day before their 1st concert in Japan
Although Japan is a neighboring country, it is imperative to adjust to the local conditions to maintain their utmost health condition on the day of concert. Guckkasten arrived a day before their official itinerary to take a rest and their started their official schedule from 4th June, which is a day before their concert.

The weather was good in Shibuya, Tokyo. The members gather together from early morning after getting their hair and make-ups done. They had in-store even at HMV and Tower Records, the two famous record shops in Japan. A mini-interview with their Japanese fans had been scheduled at HMV BOOKS, located at Shibuya.

Guckkasten arrived early at the event site and had a short meeting with the managers of the record store and prepared themselves for the interview. As it was the 1st solo concert in Japan, all the members including Hyunwoo Ha were lost in practice with their guitars and instruments, and they practiced their short introduction in Japanese for the interview.

▲ Guckkasten going to the Tower Records

(Guckkasten arrived early at the event site and had a short meeting with the managers of the record store and prepared themselves for the interview. As it was the 1st solo concert in Japan, all the members including Hyunwoo Ha were lost in practice with their guitars and instruments, and they practiced their short introduction in Japanese for the interview.)

4:30 PM, the first mini-interview with their Japanese fans began at last. There were also Korean fans that flew from their countries to support Guckkasten. Guckkasten members seemed quite surprised to see more fans than they had expected. As each member introduced themselves in Japanese, there were cheers and applause from the audience. Questions were asked on Guckkasten's Japanese activities in future, and Guckkasten responded earnestly. As a response to their fans’ fervent support, Hyunwoo sang ‘Scarlet/Red Field’ in Japanese, and their first mini-interview closed successfully.

▲ A picture with their local fan/manager

Guckkasten then moved to Tower Records Shinjuku and after having quick dinner, they moved on for ‘High Touch’ event from 7:00 PM. Again, many fans attended this event and the emergency exit staircase was full of fans waiting. Approximately 500 fans that won the event’s attendance, high-fived the members and laughed all along the way. It was the first time for Guckkasten to hold such ‘High Touch’ event and they were excited to see the fans’ joyful reaction. The members later commented “it was a whole new world”, “it was amazing and it has been a long time that we met our fans this close”, and “we’re so amazed and grateful for so many fans from all over the world and from all ages.”

5th June, the concert day 
The concert day came at last. After having lunch, Gyuho Jeon, Jung-gil Lee, and Kibum Kim went to the concert hall for sound checks, and Hyunwoo Ha joined them around 3:00 PM for vocal and overall sound checks. Hyunwoo Ha greeted the fans waiting in line to buy the limited merchandise goods and went inside the hall for rehearsal and checked the sound meticulously.

▲ At waiting room, Drummer Jung-gil Lee

▲ At waiting room, Lead guitarist Gyuho Jeon

▲ Audience waiting in the rain

About 2.5 hours before the concert around 5:00 PM, the sun that was shining high above was suddenly clouded heavily and it started to rain. It was a perfect weather for the name of the concert ‘Squall’ but it was not a welcoming weather for the staffs or the audience waiting in line. Although the fans were in an inconvenient situation with the sudden change of weather and different concert procedures, they became excited to see Guckkasten's first solo concert in Japan when they were ushered into the concert hall after Guckkasten had finished their rehearsals.

▲ In the elevator just before going on stage

▲ At concert

7:33 PM Guckkasten finally took stage after getting everything ready. Although the size of the concert was not as big as it usually is in Korea, the cheers from the audience were just as loud. The concert went on for approximately 2 hours and Guckkasten sang ‘Scarlet/Red Field’, ‘Faust’, and ‘Mirror’ in Japanese to return the support from the Japanese fans. It was easy to see how much Guckkasten had prepared themselves for this concert, as Hyunwoo Ha prepared most of his comments in Japanese.

Guckkasten is broadening their musical realm by holding their 1st solo concert in Japan and attending Fuji Rock Festival. They will meet with their fans again in Korea on 8th and 9th July through their concert ‘Squall’, which will be held in Olympic Hall in Olympic Park.

Arrangement: In-A Park (Magazine PlayDB
Photo: InterPark
[ⓒ PlayDB]

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